EU Project Management Module 3: Managing EU Projects


Seminar 3.1: Legal EU Project Management Requirements

Seminar Content

  • Legal obligations of project partners
  • Legal obligations of lead partners
  • Financial obligations
  • Administrative obligations
  • Contracts
  • Grant/subsidy contract
  • Partnership agreements
  • Procurement in EU projects and State Aid Rule
  • Proof of eligibility of project expenses/project success for audits
  • Data protection
  • Gender, diversity & inclusion requirements (accessibility)

By the end of the seminar, you

  • are able to explain the legal and administrative obligations that arise with the participation in an EU project.
  • are able to describe the general rules of procurement in EU projects.
  • are able to illustrate the most important steps to comply with the eligibility criteria.
  • are able to explain the legal and administrative obligations that arise with the participation in an EU project.
  • are able to describe the general rules of procurement in EU projects.
  • are able to illustrate the most important steps to comply with the eligibility criteria.

Teaching and learning methods

The following teaching and learning methods will be used: lecture, small group and partner work, discussion, self-study, feedback.

The lecturer: Mag.a Alexandra Schantl

Further literature

Gansch M. / Schantl A.: EU Project management – What to know?, Skript 2019.

Gareis, R. / Gareis L.: Project. Program. Change, CRC Press, Vienna 2018.

European Commission (2021): EU Grants AGA - Annotated Model Grant Agreement:

Model Partnership Agreement Interreg Central Europe:

Seminar 3.2: Financial Reports and Progress Reports – How to set up reports effectively

Seminar Content

  • How to prepare for project progress reports (narrative part)
  • Designing the progress reports
  • Narrative part
  • Supporting documents
  • How to prepare for financial reports based on the financial project monitoring following the approval of the project budget
  • Supporting documents to prove the costs (e.g. participants list etc.)
  • Considering different types of financial reporting
  • How to deal with deviations and necessary changes both in progress reports and financial reports

By the end of the seminar, you

  • are able to apply different cost reporting options.
  • are able to illustrate the most important preparatory measures for reporting.
  • are able to employ strategies and guiding measures with regards to deviations and potential project changes.

Teaching and learning methods

The following teaching and learning methods will be used: lecture, small group and partner work, discussion, self-study, feedback.

The lecturer: Michael Gansch, MA

Further literature

Gansch M. / Schantl A.: EU Project management – What to know?, Skript 2019.

Chapter 1.4.3 Cost Categories:

Seminar 3.3: Project Monitoring and Risk Management – How to set up monitoring

Seminar content

  • What are applicable models for project monitoring?
  • How to select the right monitoring model
  • How to identify potential project risks
  • How to proactively tackle risks to avoid project crises
  • How to involve stakeholders

By the end of the seminar, you

  • are able to identify the need of permanent project monitoring.
  • are able to construct a project monitoring plan.
  • are able to develop strategies and guiding measures for project crises.

Teaching and learning methods

The following teaching and learning methods will be used: lecture, small group and partner work, discussion, self-study, feedback.

The lecturers: Michael Gansch, MA, Mag.a Alexandra Schantl

Further literature

Seminar 3.4: Project Visibility & Dissemination – How to publicise the project (results)

Seminar content

  • What are the main visibility and dissemination features for EU projects?
  • Means of communication (press release, website, social media, journals, multiplier events)
  • EU project visibility and dissemination requirements
  • Internal and external project communication throughout the project (following the individual project phases)
  • Open Access
  • Networking with stakeholders
  • How to design a project visibility and dissemination plan and estimation of resources (incl. group work)

By the end of the seminar, you

  • are able to restate the importance of project visibility and dissemination.
  • are able to compose strategies for a better inclusion of the project stakeholders to guarantee wide project ownership and dissemination.
  • are able to design a plan for project visibility and dissemination, including an estimate of resources.

Teaching and learning methods

The following teaching and learning methods will be used: lecture, small group and partner work, discussion, self-study, feedback.

The lecturers: Michael Gansch, MA, Mag.a Alexandra Schantl

Further literature

Auf einen Blick

Zielgruppe Project managers, project controllers, coordinators, administrators, facilitators for EU projects. Interested parties who wish to learn how to manage EU projects like Horizon Europe or more specific projects in central and eastern European countries.
Zertifikatsprogramm Certified Program: EU Project Management
Abschluss Upon successful completion, students will receive the title „Certified EU Project Manager” (20 ECTS), Campus Wien Academy and FH Campus Wien, University of Applied Sciences. Certificate of attendance;
Unterrichtssprache English

EuroVienna, KDZ – Zentrum für Verwaltungsforschung, FH Campus Wien – University of Applied Sciences.

Veranstaltungsort Online