EU Project Management Module 1: Preparing for EU Projects


Seminar 1.1: EU Policies - Why does the EU (co-)finance projects and investments?

Seminar content

  • EU institutions and competences: introduction and overview
  • Linking EU policies and funding
  • Getting to know the most important EU strategies and frameworks
  • From the Treaty of Rome to the European Green Deal: historic development and status quo
  • Political key objectives of the EU
  • Relevance of EU policies for funding programs and financial instruments

By the end of the seminar, you

  • are able to describe the key objectives of the EU, its institutions and leading strategies.
  • are able to explain the connection between EU policies and EU funding and financing.

Teaching and learning methods

The following teaching and learning methods will be used: lecture, small group and partner work, discussion, self-study, feedback.

The lecturer: Mag.a Alexandra Schantl

Further literature

Gansch M. / Schantl A.: Introduction into EU-Policies, Skript 2022.

Europäische Kommission, Generaldirektion Kommunikation, Borchardt, K., The ABC of EU law, Publications Office, 2018, Maude, J: European Union- Ep 1.2 - EU Institutions.

Seminar 1.2: EU-Funding Structures – How the EU (co)finances projects and investments

Seminar content

  • What is a project (general introduction)?
  • How to manage a(n) (EU) project
  • Project management cycle
  • How to structure the project idea
  • Elaborating project objectives
  • Elaborating a project USP
  • Project idea paper (summary of key ideas, USP)
  • How to identify potential EU programs

By the end of the seminar, you

  • are able to identify the most important project management steps to carry out an EU project.
  • are able to sketch a project out of a need.
  • are able to relate the project idea to EU funding criteria.

Teaching and learning methods

The following teaching and learning methods will be used: lecture, small group and partner work, discussion, self-study, feedback.

The lecturers: Michael Gansch, MA, Mag.a Alexandra Schantl

Further literature

European Commission, DIGIT Centre of Excellence in Project Management (CoEPM²): PM² project management methodology. Guide 3.0.1. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2021.

Demir S. / Bryde D. / Fearon D. /Ochieng E.: Three dimensional stakeholder analysis – 3dSA: adding the risk dimension for stakeholder analysis 2015.

Seminar 1.3: Project Development – How to form an idea into a project

Seminar content

  • What is a project (general introduction)?
  • How to manage a(n) (EU) project
  • Project management cycle
  • How to structure the project idea
  • Elaborating project objectives
  • Elaborating a project USP
  • Project idea paper (summary of key ideas, USP)
  • How to identify potential EU programs

By the end of the seminar, you

  • are able to identify the most important project management steps to carry out an EU project.
  • are able to sketch a project out of a need.
  • are able to relate the project idea to EU funding criteria.

Teaching and learning methods

The following teaching and learning methods will be used: lecture, small group and partner work, discussion, self-study, feedback.

The lecturers: Michael Gansch, MA, Mag.a Alexandra Schantl

Further literature

European Commission, DIGIT Centre of Excellence in Project Management (CoEPM²): PM² project management methodology. Guide 3.0.1. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2021.

Demir S. / Bryde D. / Fearon D. /Ochieng E.: Three dimensional stakeholder analysis – 3dSA: adding the risk dimension for stakeholder analysis 2015.

Auf einen Blick

Zielgruppe Project managers, project controllers, coordinators, administrators, facilitators for EU projects. Interested parties who wish to learn how to manage EU projects like Horizon Europe or more specific projects in central and eastern European countries.
Zertifikatsprogramm Certified Program: EU Project Management
Abschluss Upon successful completion, students will receive the title „Certified EU Project Manager” (20 ECTS), Campus Wien Academy and FH Campus Wien, University of Applied Sciences. Certificate of attendance;
Unterrichtssprache English

EuroVienna, KDZ – Zentrum für Verwaltungsforschung, FH Campus Wien – University of Applied Sciences.

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